ВНИМАНИЕ For the schedule of arrivals for 2023, see the Vouchers section.
Новый проект (20)
горячая линия


Municipal unitary enterprise

"Children's sanatorium "Rainbow"

Book of comments and suggestions

находится в приемной руководителя

Ответственный за ведение книги замечаний и предложений секретарь руководителя

Ковалевич Жанна Алексеевна

приемная руководителя, тел. 70-10-71

Время работы: 08.00 – 17.00

Обеденный перерыв: 13.00 – 14.00

Days off: Saturday, Sunday


During periods of absence of legal counsel

(evenings, weekends and holidays)

The book of comments and suggestions is kept by the nurse at post I


Dear applicants! ­

From January 2, 2023, in connection with the entry into force of the Law of the Republic of Belarus dated June 28, 2022 No. 176-Z “On Amendments to the Law of the Republic of Belarus “On Appeals of Citizens and Legal Entities,” the procedure for submitting electronic appeals is changing.

Electronic appeals will be submitted through a unified (integrated) republican information system for recording and processing appeals from citizens and legal entities (http://обращения.бел). Access to the system for recording and processing applications is free for applicants.
