ВНИМАНИЕ For the schedule of arrivals for 2023, see the Vouchers section.
Новый проект (20)
горячая линия


Dear parents!

Children's sanatorium "Rainbow"  enjoys deserved popularity. In this regard, we strongly recommend booking trips to the sanatorium in advance. If you plan to come to us at the height of the summer season or during the winter holidays, then even more so apply early!

График заездов на 2024 год

Check-in numberArrival dateDeparture date

Стоимость путевок с 01.01.2024

Travel package18 суток, бел. руб.1 сутки, бел.руб.
For sanatorium-resort treatment of a child891,8649,55
Для сопровождающего лица,668,8837,16
living in the "Standard" room+3% resort fee+3% resort fee
(accommodation + food)

Самые лучшие инвестиции – это инвестиции в свое здоровье. Окупаются они быстро и многократно. Здоровый человек полон оптимизма, прекрасного настроения, высокой трудоспособности, отчего напрямую зависит его успешность.


Для тех, кто много и плодотворно работает, но не хочет отказываться от оздоровления своего организма, безупречным решением станет посещение КУП «Детский санаторий «Радуга», находящегося в обособленной зоне в центре города, где всегда можно воспользоваться всем спектром оздоровительных услуг в удобное для Вас время. Профессиональный подход к лечению поможет Вам и Вашим детям справиться с проблемами опорно-двигательного аппарата, органов дыхания и аллергии, а также восстановить силы. Внимательный персонал квалифицированно и быстро сможет подобрать правильную программу лечения, реабилитации, и постарается окунуть Вас в атмосферу покоя и уюта, чтобы Вы смогли получить настоящее удовольствие от оздоровительных процедур.


Целостное воздействие комплексного подхода в лечении создает возможность сделать Ваш организм здоровым и сильным. Пройдите курс лечения и реабилитации в санатории «Радуга» и начните свой путь к успеху! Пусть ваше лечение будет эффективным, оздоровление – результативным, а отдых – приятным!

Regular guests are our pride, this is a sign that the staff of the sanatorium is not working in vain, and its conscientious work achieves its goal - maximum satisfaction of the expectations of those who choose the children's sanatorium "Rainbow" for their relaxation and recovery.


We treat our clients with love and care, fully understanding how important health is. That is why we have developed a bonus discount system for you, the conditions of which are extremely simple and incredibly attractive.

For individuals: 

      1. Those who wish to purchase a ticket to a sanatorium-resort treatment and rehabilitation for their child за полную стоимость:

  1. Apply by phone+375(225)700-825; 8 (044) 548-93-00. In this case, it is necessary to indicate the surname, name and patronymic of the child, his age, citizenship, as well as the surname, name, patronymic of the person purchasing the ticket, contact telephone number and home address (city).
  2. Arrival dates are agreed upon with you, and a voucher is reserved for you.
  3. On the day of your arrival at the sanatorium:

— An agreement will be concluded with you in writing. In this case, an adult's passport is required.

— A voucher is filled out for the child and he is registered in the group.

— You make payment based on the concluded agreement at the sanatorium cash desk (by depositing cash or using a bank plastic card) or to the sanatorium’s bank account.

At your request, you can conclude the contract in advance, make an advance payment of 100% of the cost of the tour, or make an advance payment and pay the remaining amount on the day of arrival.

Regular guests are our pride, this is a sign that the staff of the sanatorium is not working in vain, and its conscientious work achieves its goal - maximum satisfaction of the expectations of those who choose the children's sanatorium "Rainbow" for their relaxation and recovery.

We treat our clients with love and care, fully understanding how important health is. That is why we have developed a bonus discount system for you, the conditions of which are extremely simple and incredibly attractive.

For you, our dear friends, a system of cumulative discounts has been developed. The more services you purchase, the cheaper they cost you!

  A 5% discount on paid medical services for massage and physiotherapy is provided to disabled people of groups I and II, and disabled children



Совместное пребывание с ребенком: 


Those wishing to accompany a child during his stay at the sanatorium for sanatorium-resort treatment and recovery can purchase a voucher for an accompanying personза счёт собственных средств.

The price of the tour for an accompanying person includes food and accommodation together with the child in a “standard” or “economy” room.

  1. You apply by phone+375(225)700-825.In this case, you must indicate your last name, first name, patronymic, citizenship, contact telephone number and home address (city), as well as the last name, first name and patronymic and age of the child for whom the voucher is purchased.
  2. Arrival dates are agreed upon with you, a voucher is reserved for you and the agreed room is reserved.
  3. On the day of your arrival at the sanatorium:

— An agreement will be concluded with you in writing. In this case, an adult's passport is required.

- You get a ticket filled out and you are placed in a room.

— You make payment based on the concluded agreement at the sanatorium cash desk (by depositing cash or using a bank plastic card) or to the sanatorium’s bank account.

At your request, you can conclude the contract in advance, make an advance payment of 100% of the cost of the tour, or make an advance payment and pay the remaining amount on the day of arrival.



Attention! Attention! Attention!

Upon arrival at the resort (on the first day of arrival) the accompanying person pays resort fee established on the territory of our city in the amount of 3% of the cost of the tour to the sanatorium cash desk (by depositing cash or using a bank plastic card).

Disabled people, pensioners, children under 16 years of age, students of secondary schools, lyceums, gymnasiums, PTK, secondary specialized educational institutions and students of higher educational institutions (full-time education), as well as persons sent for health improvement and sanatorium treatment free of charge, are exempt from the resort fee in accordance with legislative acts.

Reception of citizens arriving from abroad is carried out if there is information (certificate) about the absence of contact with a person with COVID-19 infection during the last 14 days before the date of departure and a negative result of a laboratory test for COVID-19 infection (a laboratory test must be carried out no later than 2 days before arrival).

For legal entities: 

1. The enterprise sends a free-form application indicating the required number of places on the planned date of arrival by fax +375 (225) 70-10-71.

2. If there are available places that meet the conditions of the request, we send the company an agreement for the provision of services for spa treatment and rehabilitation or for an accompanying person, an invoice for payment. You usually receive documents within 5 working days after submitting your application.

3. After the enterprise has signed the contract and made an advance payment, the paid vouchers are issued to the enterprise representative with a power of attorney for subsequent issue to the enterprise employee.

4. The enterprise fills out the voucher for the appropriate person, puts the date of issue of the voucher, the signature of the responsible person and the seal of the enterprise.

5. With a voucher and the necessary medical documents, the child (accompanying person) enters the sanatorium on the corresponding day of arrival.

6. At the end of check-in, the sanatorium fills out a return coupon for the trip, confirming the fact that the child (accompanying person) is staying in the sanatorium.

Для юридических лиц, приобретающих путевки за счет собственных средств, предоставляются СКИДКИ*

Количество путёвок (при единовременном приобретении на один или несколько заездов)Размер скидки от цены каждой путевки
с датами заездов в период с 1 июня по 31 августа ежегодно
от 10 до 192%
от 20 до 343%
от 35 до 495%
от 50 и более7%
с датами заездов в период с 1 января по 31 мая и с 1 сентября по 31 декабря ежегодно
от 3 до 52%
от 6 до 93%
от 10 до 145%
от 15 и более7%
  • На основании Положения «О скидках в КУП «Детский санаторий «Радуга» на путёвки, приобретаемые юридическими лицами за счёт собственных средств» утвержденного 29.11.2023                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            